We are so excited to bring everyone together again! We will have the private room at Famous Dave's + Cowboy Jack's, 1690 Woodlane Drive, Woodbury, MN. Location here. The room is large so there will be plenty of space to mingle (while maintaining distance) with your fellow SkiHawks, enjoy some great food, win door prizes and sign up for trips.
• Find out the details about our 2022 trip to Palisades Tahoe (formerly Squaw Valley / Alpine Meadows) at Lake Tahoe, CA.
• Find out the details about the MSC's 2022 trip to the Big Snow resort in MI.
• Learn about upcoming events and more.
• $50 cash prize raffle for members who have prepaid their 2021/2022 dues prior to 10/06/21.
Here's the plan.
6:00 - Socializing begins - Renew old friendships and meet new members.
6:30 - Fabulous food featured from both Famous Dave's + Cowboy Jack's menus.
7:30 - Board of Directors Announcements and prize drawings (prize winners will be restricted to paid members only).
Cost: $28:00 Prepaid online (no refunds). Deadline to register for the event is Wednesday, October 6th.
2021/2022 Membership dues must also be paid online.
No registrations or membership renewals will be accepted onsite in order to manage capacity and comply with current CDC guidelines for indoor interactions.
See you there!